Significant Life Events Timeline - Free Download
Explore life events that have shaped the person you are today

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
Søren Kierkegaard
Have you ever stopped to take a moment to consider just how much of an impact the major events in your life have had on defining who you are? Whether large or small, these instances have all shaped the person you have become.
Life is a collection of events, some of which can be monumental while others pass by almost unnoticed. This free download helps you to recall and reflect upon the big milestones in your life that have shaped who you are today. This fascinating tool is free to download and use on your own or can be extremely beneficial to complete before attending therapy sessions.
After taking some time to reflect on the events that have made up your life, this worksheet guides you through some thought-provoking questions written by experienced psychotherapists here at Vitus Wellbeing.
Through this exercise you can learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible, empowering you to take an in-depth look at your history, opinions and attitudes towards life.
Download your free PDF here
Significant Life Events Timeline (worksheet)

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At Vitus Wellbeing, we care about the well-being of all our clients and are passionate about providing helpful and reliable services. Downloading any of the files from this page is done with the understanding that it is intended to offer general informational advice and not as a substitute for professional help or mental health therapy.
We cannot guarantee any particular results and recommend that you seek a qualified healthcare professional or licensed therapist for additional guidance. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.